Reghin - City of Violins
Tourist Attractions
Reghin is known all over the world as the City of Violins or, more recently, the New Cremone, names it has received due to the violins that are manufactured here. The great concert halls around the world echo the accords of these musical istruments made in the “City of Violins”. There are two musical instrument manufacturing companies in Reghin, but there are also several master violin makers, achieving works of great complexity and refinement, designed for the big concert halls.
The production of musical instruments in Reghin started in 1951, when violin maker Roman Boianciuc opened the first musical instrument factory in the area. Coming from Bucovina, but educated in Prague, Roman Boianciuc is considered to be the most skillful Romanian violin maker and the founder of violinmaking industry in Reghin. In 1965, at the “George Enescu” International Festival, Boianciuc took with him four violins for which he was awarded a certificate of appreciation from David Fiodorovici Oistrah, known in the musical world as one of the greatest violinists of the 20th century. In 1951 Boianciuc set up a musical instruments department at the wood processing plant, unique in Romania, now the Hora Musical Instruments Factory, the first musical instruments factory in the city.
In 1992, another musical instruments factory - Gliga Musical Instruments S.A, which brought Reghin worldwide renown - was established, and as a confirmation of the value of its musical instruments, the great violinist Yehudi Menuhin also performed a Gliga violin.